5th Round of COVID-19 Donations Distributed to District Food Pantries
“I am so thankful for the help that has been provided to me in my time of need. I’m a single parent that couldn’t work because of my disability. If it wasn’t for the support that was given to me and family we would probably be in the dark. We appreciate the food box deliveries and basic needs support we have received during the pandemic.”
Volunteers at our district food pantries have been working hard all summer to ensure families in David Douglas stay fed! Our 5th distribution of funds went out to the food banks giving them an additional $4,220 in funds! Thanks to all of our generous donations we’ve been able to provide lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to families in our food boxes, which is truly an amazing treat! A total of approximately $39,000 has been distributed to our 4 David Douglas food banks since May 2020!