Your support matters
Ways to Give
DDEF is an all-volunteer, non-profit educational foundation. Your donation makes a difference! Ninety-six percent of your donations goes directly toward the DDEF-sponsored programs such as those described below – grants, scholarships, and the Kids Fund. Please help us invest in our students, our schools, and our community.
There are many reasons supporters donate to the David Douglas Educational Foundation, just as there are many ways a person can financially support the Foundation. You can donate now just by clicking the Donate button below.
Checks, cash, and material donations may be made to: David Douglas Educational Foundation, Special Projects Office, District Office, 11300 NE Halsey St, Portland, OR 97220. Please enclose your name and address so we may acknowledge your donation
Click the button below to donate to the Foundation’s General Fund or scroll down this page to allocate your donation to specific DDEF programs.
Or you may choose to give in the following ways:
Fred Meyer Rewards
Shopping at Fred Meyer with your Fred Meyer Rewards card can earn money for DDEF! Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards card to DDEF at You can search for us by name. You continue to earn all your Reward Points, Fuel Points and Rebates.
I would like to publicly thank David Douglas Educational Foundation for 27 years of volunteer service to the students and teachers in our District. During this time, DDEF has raised and funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to scholarships, teacher grants, student assistance and other supports. Simply put our partnership with the David Douglas Education Foundation makes David Douglas a better district and ultimately provides needed support for our students and families. I would invite anyone interested to join DDEF as they continue their work for our students and community.”
Gifts in Memory
To make a gift by check to the David Douglas Educational Foundation in loving memory, please write “in memory of ___” in the memo line.
If you would like friends and loved ones to give in memory of someone, please include the following information in the obituary:
In lieu of flowers donations in memory of “___________” can be made to:
David Douglas Educational Foundation
11300 NE Halsey, Portland, OR 97220.
Endow a Scholarship in Memory of a Loved One
Memorial gifts provide a way to honor and remember a family member, friend, or educator who touched your life. Currently we have the Ralph Howlett Scholarship, the Howard Horner Performing Arts Scholarship and the Christopher Family Scholarship. All scholarships endowed in memory of a loved one help David Douglas graduating seniors in many years ahead.
Gifts in Your Will or Living Trust (Estate Giving)
A gift to the DDEF in your will or trust, also known as a charitable bequest, allows you to retain control of your funds and other assets during your lifetime.
This gift costs you nothing now, so there is no risk to your lifetime financial security
You gain the satisfaction of knowing your future gift will support educational opportunities for David Douglas students in the future.
A bequest can be modified or revoked for any reason during your lifetime
Charitable bequests are exempt from estate taxes
For examples of Estate Giving click here.
Matching Funds
Many companies provide matching funds for any donation you make to the DDEF. When making a donation, check to see if your gift could do more by applying for matching funds from your employer. We have received matching funds from employers such as Portland General Electric, Well Fargo, Standard Insurance, and Microsoft.
Employee Giving
Since 2006, the staff of David Douglas School District has been supporting the David Douglas Educational Foundation through the “$5 Campaign” where staff gives monthly through payroll deduction. These funds are used exclusively to support the Kids Fund and Opportunity Grants.
“If you want to ensure that your donation goes directly to help kids, the DDEF is the organization for you. Run by volunteers, the DDEF targets the needs of David Douglas students and provides the extra support needed to enhance their education. I have donated both money and time to DDEF and have always felt both were well spent.”
Donate toward Grants
DDEF supports excellence in the David Douglas School District. By acquiring and distributing resources, the Foundation enhances and supplements programs and provides additional educational opportunities for David Douglas students.
Donate toward Scholarships
The David Douglas Educational Foundation (DDEF) has established a scholarship endowment to provide scholarships to graduating seniors from David Douglas School District.
Kids Fund
Kids Fund donations support personal health and welfare needs of students when all other funding sources have been exhausted. Funds are distributed to district schools, allowing counselors to determine kids’ needs and the best use of the funds available. Funds have been used to offset costs for emergency dental work, glasses, medication, personal hygiene products, coats, socks, shoes, diabetic supplies, alarm clocks and much more.
The DDEF General fund supports a variety of programs such as Community Sports, Community/School Calendar, books, and other projects requested by the District.
Additional Ways to Support Your District
Can you give some time? Donate School Supplies? Cash And Material Donations? Donate Musical Instruments?