Warm Hats for David Douglas Elementary Schools
It was a cold and wet December. No gardening this month! Bev Fischer, DDEF President, decided to put her talents to work. She looked through her fabric closet and envisioned warm hats for cold heads.
She began making fleece hats for children at David Douglas elementary schools who might need a hat on the way home. The first batch went to Cherry Park Elementary School in December. We hope they kept some kids warm during the cold snow and ice storms in January. Then Bev thought to herself, maybe I should make hats for each of the elementary schools. To date she has made 175 hats, well on the way to her goal of about 20 hats per school. She will be dropping hats off at more school offices over the next few weeks.
Thank you, Bev, for your energy, generosity, and warm heart!
Bev’s Warm Hats Project