Alice Ott Middle School Students and Staff Enjoy Projection Microscopes
David Douglas Alice Ott Middle School Awarded Projection Microscopes
In Spring 2020, right before Covid hit, Alice Ott Middle School received projection microscopes for the 6th grade science classes funded by the DDEF Spring Grant program. Wendy Christensen, 6th grade teacher at Alice Ott, wrote, “We didn't get a chance to use the microscopes that spring or the following year because we were distance learning. We also did not have our regular back to school nights or other opportunities to share these amazing microscopes with families.” This year (2022) during their Cell Unit, they were finally able to use the microscopes in the classroom!
Previously, the four Alice Ott 6th grade science teachers shared one projection microscope during the 7-week Cell unit taught each year. With the additional projection microscopes that the DDEF grant provided, each of the 4 teachers have continuous use of a microscope for the entire 7-week study unit instead of averaging 3-5 class periods during the unit in previous years. These microscopes are more powerful than student microscopes and allow the class to see more details in each specimen slide.
Wendy informed us that “The microscopes allow us to look at something while projecting it onto the screen with the projector so the entire class can view it at the same time. It allows us to avoid frustrations that kids often have when they can't focus on things (especially moving things) in the microscope. Because we are projecting and students are viewing on the screen, the pictures look more like a whole class view rather than a zoomed in single student view.”
In addition, the activity becomes interactive and student driven as it allows for deeper conversations about cell structures. Wendy also asked students to bring in samples of things that they would like to view. They looked at a tadpole and mosquito larva; another student brought in a sample of pond water from their yard. Students really enjoy being able to bring in items to view through the microscopes.
Wendy and her students thanked the Foundation, saying “We love the microscopes and we are so thankful that we have them.”