David Douglas Family Calendar
The 2019-2020 David Douglas Family Calendar is here!
Calendar Cover, Corwyn 1st Grader at Ventura Park Elementary
Do you want to know:
• When school conferences are scheduled?
• When are “No school” days scheduled?
• When is Winter Break?
• How about the last day of school?
Check the David Douglas Family Calendar!
A calendar was sent home for each elementary age family during the first week of September. In addition, each school office will have a small supply of calendars. This year’s calendar cover features artwork from Corwyn, a 1st grader from Ventura Park Elementary. We are pleased to have her permission to display her art on this year’s calendar!
Sandra, Senior at Fir Ridge Campus
Finley, 1st Grader at Ventura Park Elementary
Be sure to look at your family’s calendar when it arrives home. This year’s calendar theme was artwork from the students of David Douglas. Elementary and middle school students that chose to participate submitted artwork to our calendar contest. The art teachers from David Douglas and Fir Ridge submitted photos of artwork from their students for the contest as well. Our calendar committee had a very hard time narrowing down our choices since we have so many amazingly talented students! David Douglas Educational Foundation extends its thanks to the School District Graphic Artist and other staff members who helped produce this calendar.
Elaisah’Na, 6th Grader at Floyd Light Middle School
In addition, we thank the generous anonymous donor who has funded the school calendar since the 2012-13 school year.
Izabel, 4th Grader at Ventura Park Elementary