New Equipment for DDHS Biology Classrooms

In 2018, DDEF approved a grant request from Heather Blair, a biology teacher at DDHS. She had requested mobile grow lights for her classroom so she could do various experiments with her students. They used the lights to grow pop bottle plants earlier in the school year and she planned to use them again for a ecosystem project as well.

Acree - Biofuel Engineering 1.jpg
Acree - Biofuel Engineering 2.jpg

The best thing about these lights is that they are mobile so other classrooms have been able to utilize them too! Another science teacher, Carol Acree, used them for a algae bioengineering final exam .

Acree - Biofuel Engineering 3.jpg
Blair - Pop Bottle Set Up 2.jpg
Blair - Pop Bottle Plants (early growth).jpg
Anna Pickel